Wise Word

26 Februari 2009

Jangan Umbar Data, Teman dan Foto di Facebook! (Penulis: Donny B.U. - detikinet)

Jakarta - Jangan terlalu lengkap memasang profil diri dan foto di Facebook! Jangan terlalu gampang berteman di Facebook! Waduh, seruan tersebut tentunya tidak terlalu populer, atau cenderung diabaikan, bagi para Facebooker sejati. Ya memang, karena dengan bergesernya konsep dan ide sebuah pertemanan, maka tak apalah pada kenyataannya kita hanya punya segelintir teman di dunia nyata sepanjang punya berjibun (ratusan, ribuan) teman di situs jejaring sosial.

Seolah-olah dengan demikian keeksisan Anda adalah seberapa banyak teman yang dimiliki. Padahal dengan semakin banyak teman, yang kadang hanya teman sekedar kenal atau bahkan tak ingat lagi siapa dia atau bertemu dimana, maka semakin rentan terekspos data diri kita ke pihak-pihak di luar kontrol kita.

Walhasil, dengan demikian Anda akan semakin mudah menjadi korban 'impersonation'.


Tulisan ini sengaja saya buat dan saya titipkan ke detikINET, karena ada satu kasus yang langsung menimpa salah satu mahasiswi saya di sebuah perguruan tinggi swasta tempat saya mengajar. Si mahasiswi tersebut belum lama berselang mengadukan kisahnya kepada saya bahwa hampir tiap saat dirinya melalui ponsel dihubungi orang yang tidak dikenal, bahkan di tengah malam sekalipun.

Setelah saya gali informasi lebih lanjut, ternyata saya temukan bahwa data dirinya di Facebook, entah oleh siapa, di-copy dan dijadikan sebuah blog di Blogspot.com. Blog tersebut seolah-olah dikelola langsung oleh si mahasiswi tersebut. Inilah yang disebut dengan kasus 'impersonation'

Bahkan si pelaku (impersonator), memindahkan sebagian foto-foto si mahasiswi tadi dari Facebook ke sebuah situs penyimpanan foto gratisan, imageshack.us. Isi blog tersebut, cenderung berupa pencemaran nama baik dan melecehkan martabatnyat sebagai wanita.

Celakanya lagi, di blog tersebut dicantumkan pula nomor ponsel yang sehari-hari digunakan oleh mahasiswi tersebut. Maka, hampir tiap saat dia harus menjelaskan bahwa dirinya bukanlah seperti apa yang tertulis di blog pada setiap penelpon yang masuk.


Kasus ini agak rumit, karena tempat si impersonator meletakkan data-data dan foto-fotonya berada di luar ranah Indonesia. Tetapi upaya tetap harus dilakukan. Di blogspot.com atau blogger.com, ada fasilitas untuk melakukan 'flag blog', dengan pilihan 'impersonation'. Kita harus meng-attached hasil scan KTP atau SIM yang dapat membuktikan bahwa kita adalah korban dari pelaku impersonation.

Setelah kita men-submit, maka kita tinggal menunggu keputusan dari pengelola layanan blog tersebut untuk mencabut atau menghapus alamat blog yang menjadi keberatan kita.

Pun setali tiga uang dengan foto-foto yang terlanjur tersimpan di imageshack. Ada fitur untuk melaporkan dan meminta penghapusan foto-foto yang kita anggap materi berhak cipta, mengandung unsur pornografi ataupun kekerasan. Asumsinya, foto yang diambil dari akun Facebook kita tanpa seijin kita, adalah foto yang melanggar hak cipta.


Agar kasus tersebut tidak terulang kepada siapapun, maka ada baiknya langkah-langkah pencegahan berikut ini bisa dijalankan ketika di dunia Facebook:

1). Jangan terlalu lengkap memasang profil atau data diri di Facebook. Tentunya semakin lengkap profil/data diri terpasang, semakin mudah mendapatkan teman. Tetapi di sisi lain, semakin beresiko pula data diri kita disalah-gunakan (abused)

2). Jangan memasang foto-foto diri Anda yang sekiranya Anda sendiri tidak akan merasa nyaman apabila foto tersebut tersebarluaskan secara bebas. Ingatlah, walau foto tersebut "hanya" diposting di akun Facebook Anda, sebenarnya itu sama saja dengan menyebarlukaskan foto tersebut ke publik. Sekali terposting dan tersebar, maka sangat sulit (dan nyaris mustahil) Anda bisa mencabut foto Anda dari Internet. Maka, selektiflah dalam berpose dan memposting foto Anda.

3). Jangan sembarangan 'add friend' atau melakukan approval atas permintaan seseorang untuk menjadi teman Anda. Cara memilah dan memilihnya mudah, yaitu lihat saja berapa jumlah "mutual friends" antara Anda dengan seseorang tersebut. Semakin sedikit "mutual friends"-nya, berarti semakin sedikit teman-teman Anda yang kenal dengan dirinya, yang berarti semakin beresiko tinggi. Pastikan Anda hanya menerima "pertemanan" yang "mutual friends"-nya cukup banyak.

4). Jangan sembarangan menerima tag photo. Bolehlah kita "banci tagging", tetapi berupayalah lebih selektif. Artinya, sekali Anda terjun ke Facebook, rajin-rajinlah memeriksa "keadaan sekeliling". Karena kita kadang menemukan foto diri kita yang di-upload dan di-tag oleh orang lain, padahal kita tidak suka foto tersebut disebarluaskan. Segera saja kita "untag" diri kita dari foto tersebut dan kalau perlu minta teman kita yang melakukan upload foto tersebut untuk mencabutnya.

5). Jangan tunda-tunda, ketika Anda menemukan data atau profil Anda digunakan oleh pihak lain untuk hal-hal di luar kontrol Anda, segeralah bertindak. Membiarkannya, justru akan membuatnya makin berlarut dan berdampak destruktif, setidaknya untuk kenyamanan diri sendiri. Laporkan langsung ke pengelola layanan tempat kejadian 'impersonation', untuk segera mencabut informasi aspal (asli tapi palsu) tersebut. Atau, mintalah bantuan pada orang atau pihak yang sekiranya bisa atau paham bagaimana mengatasi hal di atas.

24 Februari 2009

U.S. to Give $900 Million in Gaza Aid, Officials Say

The Obama administration intends to provide some $900 million to help rebuild Gaza after the Israeli incursion that ended last month, administration officials said Monday.

In an early sign of how the administration plans to deal with Hamas, the militant Islamist group that controls Gaza, an official said that the aid would not go to Hamas but that it would be funneled through nongovernmental organizations.

By seeking to aid Gazans but not Hamas, the administration is following the lead of the Bush administration, which sent money to Gaza through nongovernmental organizations. In December, it said it would give $85 million to the United Nations agency that provides aid to Palestinian refugees in the West Bank, Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.

The United States considers Hamas a terrorist organization, and the Bush administration refused to have any formal dealings with the group.

The aid will include new spending as well as money already set aside for the Palsetinian Authority, and it will be formally announced next week when Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinto.travels to a Palestinian donors’ conference in Sharm el Sheik, Egypt, the officials said.

The aid, first reported by Reuters, would have to be approved by Congress, where many lawmakers are skittish about even appearing to help Hamas until it renounces violence and recognizes Israel’s right to exist.

“None of the money will go to Hamas, it will be funneled through NGOs and U.N. groups,” said an administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk about the aid before Mrs. Clinton announced it.

The donors’ conference in Egypt is seeking to raise close to $2 billion to rebuild Gaza, which was devastated by the three-week war with Israel. Some of the $900 million from the United States will go to the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, officials said.

But even if the bulk of the money goes to Gaza, it will do little good unless Israel first opens the border crossing into the territory, said Daniel Levy, a senior fellow at the Century Foundation, a research organization in Washington.

“It’s a good effort, but the money can’t be spent unless materials can get into Gaza,” Mr. Levy said. “The next step is opening the border crossings, and that requires more than just signing a check.”

Hamas has demanded the opening of the crossings as part of truce negotiations being conducted through Egypt. Israel, which imposed an embargo after Hamas seized control of Gaza in 2007, demands an end to rocket fire from Gaza, a halt to weapons smuggling and the release of a captive Israeli soldier.

After the donors’ conference in Egypt, Mrs. Clinton will make her first trip to Israel as secretary of state, Israeli officials said. She is expected to meet with Benjamin Nathayu, the prime minister-designate.

Mrs. Clinton is also expected to travel to Ramallah in the West Bank for meetings with Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, and Salam Fayyad, the prime minister, whose Fatah organization is the principal rival to Hamas. Administration officials said it was unlikely that Mrs. Clinton would go to Hamas-controlled Gaza.

11 Februari 2009

Synopsis Darren Shan : Cirque du Freak

Darren Shan is a regular teenage kid. He and his friend Steve find out about a Freak Show coming to town an work hard at trying to find tickets. They do, and together they go to "Cirque du Freak" where they see many strange acts including a werewolf and a bearded lady. Steve and Darren think that it is all a joke until a vampire, Larten Crepsley comes on with a very poisonous spider that he makes do tricks. When Steve sees this man he freaks out a bit but won't tell Darren why. After the show, Steve tells Darren to go home, and that he will follow later. Darren says yes but instead sneaks upstairs to see what Steve is up to. He sees Steve talking to Mr. Crepsley and overhears their conversation. Steve tells Mr. Crepsley that he knows that his real name is Vur Horston an is a Vampire and he tells Larten that he would like to join him and become an apprentice. Mr. Crepsley agrees but the minute he starts the transformation process he tells Steve that he has "Evil Blood." Steve becomes angry but Darren leaves the theatre and doesn't see what happen next. Darren goes home and thinks about what Steve did but also cannot stop thinking about Mr. Crepsley's Spider. The next day he steals the spider with the hopes that he will be able to make it perform tricks too. Meanwhile, Steve is acting as if nothing happened. Darren manages to train the spider by using a flute to hypnotize it (what Larten did). Darren invites Steve over to show him the spider, but when Darren is making it perform tricks on Steve, Darren's sister comes in and breaks the noise, and thus causes the spider to bite Steve. Steve becomes very ill, and is rushed to the hospital where the doctors say that there is nothing they can do. Darren decides to see Mr. Crepsley about the possibility of an antidote. The vampire agrees to give him the only cure if Darren agrees to become his assistant, and half vampire. He does. Steve gets better but starts to realize that Darren is now part vampire and becomes angry, jealous and betrayed. Larten stages Darren's death and Darren is burried. Mr. Crepsley comes to dig up Darren and leave. He does and gives Darren a moment to say goodbye to his hometown. Then Steve shows up and tells Darren about all he knows. He says that Darren and Mr. Crepsley were planning the betrayal all along and that Steve doesn't really have bad blood, which Darren knows is not true. He tries to explain about the spider, but Steve cuts a small cross into the flesh of his left palm and swears on his blood that he will kill Darren and his mentor Mr. Crepsley. Darren shakes off the warning and leaves with Mr. Crepsley. It is rumored that the film will be based on the first three books, if this is true then we will see Darren's reluctance to accept his life as a vampire and meet the character Sam, on top on this he will have his first run in with the vampenezee a race of creatures who kill to eat unlike the vampires.

Kemungkinan Cirque du Freak keluar

Belgium 19 August 2009
France 19 August 2009
Netherlands 27 August 2009
Norway 25 September 2009
Brazil 2 October 2009
Denmark 2 October 2009
Spain 9 October 2009
Germany 15 October 2009
Sweden 23 October 2009
UK 23 October 2009
USA 23 October 2009
Italy 30 October 2009

Indonesia Kapan ya????

Darren Shan Movie : Cirque du Freak = KAPAAN KELUAR????


Chris Kelly-Darren

Josh Hutcherson-Steve

10 Februari 2009

Canon - Johann Pachelbel (album cover)

Lagu Hari ini(Lyrics from Hairsapray) : Welcome to the '60

Tracy, I haven't left this house
in , in years

Then isn't it time you did?

Oh no Tracy
You have your father meet with him
I don't wanna be seen like this
The neighboors haven't seen me
Since I was a size 10
Don't make me do it Tracy

Ma, it's changing out there
You'll like it!
People who are different
Their time is coming.

Hey mama hey mama,
Look around
Everybody's groovin' to a brand new sound
Hey mama hey mama,
Follow me
i know something's in you
That you wanna set free
So let go, go, go of the past now
Say hello to the love in your heart
Yes, I know that the world's spinning fast now
You gotta get yourself a brand new start

Hey mama, welcome to the 60's
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh mama, welcome to the 60's
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Go mama, go, go, go!

Welcome to the 60's
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Hey mama
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
Yeah, yeah, yeah

Hey mama, hey mama,
Have Some Fun

I Haven't Left This House since 1951

Hey mama, hey mama,
Take a chance

Oh Tracy, it's been years
Since someone asked me to dance

So let go, go, go of the past now
Say hello to the light in your eyes
Yes, i know that the world's
Spinning fast now
But you gotta run the race
To win the prize

Hey mama, welcome to the 60's
Oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh mama, welcome to the 60's
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Go mama, go, go, go!

Hey mama, welcome to the 60's
Oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh mama, welcome to the 60's
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Go mama, go, go, go!

Welcome to the 60's
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Hey mama, hey mama
Yeah, yeah, yeah

(Tracy & Edna arrive at Mr. Pinky's Hefty Hideaway)

Welcome to the rhythm of a brand new day

Take your old-fashioned fears

And just throw them away

You should add some color and a fresh new "do"

'Cause it's time for a star
Who looks just like you!

There's My Shining Star, Fantastic to meet you!I'm Mr Pinky

It's so nice to meet you

Tracy, Is this your older sister?

Flattery will not distract Ms Turnblacks agent.

54 Double D?

Triple E

I Hit the Motherload!

Welcome to the 60's
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Hey mama, welcome to the 60's
Oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh mama, welcome to the 60's
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Go mama, go, go, go!

Dontcha let nobody
Try to steal your fun
'Cause a little touch of lipstick
Never hurt no one

The future's got a million roads
For you to choose
But you'll walk a little taller
In some high-heeled shoes

And once you find the style
That makes you feel like you
Something fresh
Something new

Step on out
Hear us shout

Mama, that's your cue!!!

Hey Tracy, hey baby,
Look at me!
I'm the cutest chickie
That ya ever did see

Hey Tracy, hey baby,
Look at us
Where is there a team
That's half as fabulous?!

I let go, go, go of the past now
Said hello to this red carpet ride
Yes I know that the world's spinning fast now
Tell lollabrigida to step aside!

Your mama's welcoming the 60's
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh, oh
Oh your mama's welcoming the 60's
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Go, mama, go, go, go!

Welcome to the 60's
Open the door
For the girl who has more,
She's a star...
Tracy, go, go, go!

EDNA(TRACY)(over the top of song below)
Your mama's hip, (hip) your mamas in (in mama) , your mamas lookin at herself and wondering where you been? (where you been?)
your mamas lit (lit) she's all glow (glow mama) , your mama what shes holding back your mama's gotta let go (GO GO GO!)

Hey mama, welcome to the 60's
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh
Oh mama, welcome to the 60's
Oh, oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh
Go mama. Go, go, go!

Hey mama welcome to the 60's

Welcome to the "6", to the "0"
To the apostrophe "s"!
OH yeahhhhh

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Go mama, go, go, go!!